Graphic desiginer

1.Efficiency in design

Before starting anything I take time and care to understand the core objectives of your business and what the design is meant to help you achieve. I do this simply to make sure that the graphic design we produce matches closely with the goals and objectives of your business.
A common problem with graphic designers is that they are more interested in winning an award or expressing themselves than producing a design that fits your business and sets you up for success.
I recognise that the ultimate purpose of your business is not to create art. Creativity is important but it must be matched to a business requirement and not just getting you "out there".
Successful graphic design gets beyond the subjective "looks nice" and allows you to achieve something tangible.

2.Innovative design

I always strive to match the graphic design to your message and your core audience. This means avoiding designs that simply mimic whatever is the latest fad. You don't want to end up looking like everyone else that has tried to be cool by mindlessly jumping on whatever is trendy this month.
I have worked hard to develop a range of styles from projects across varying industries. This means that I can deliver something that uniquely suits you and will appeal specifically to your audience.

3.Attention to detail

Over the years I have worked in many supervisory roles. One thing that I have learned is that a high level of attention to detail is vital to make sure a project goes smoothly.
Checking for typos, making sure that nothing is missed, communicating clearly and consistently, carefully managing the printing process; all these things eliminate last minute hassles and deliver a better result for my clients.


With every job I try to put everything I have into it. I'm not interested in simply "ticking the boxes" and churning out average designs. I want to make sure that everything I produce is something that I would be excited about if I was the client.
I am passionate about graphic design and am continually educating myself with workshops and reading. I believe...


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